Film Status Update March, 2024
by admin | March 19, 2024 | Film Status Update | 0 Comments

Production Status Update March, 2024
It’s probably a good time to provide an update on the progress of our film documentary: The Consciousness Connection (consciousnessfilm.info), especially since many in our group have recently asked about its’ status. The bottom line is that we are making great progress for a 3-person crew, which includes my co-producers, Dave Beaty (Dreamtime Entertainment) and Wilson Hawthorne (Eyeland Telemedia).
The film’s objective is to help answer some of humanity’s greatest questions: What is consciousness? Does the brain create it and persist after death? Are extrasensory perception, near-death experiences, and past life recall valid/ These questions represent some of the most profound mysteries confronting humanity. Our film seeks to answer them using the testimony and findings of today’s leading scientific researchers, those collecting evidence for decades.
During our 2-year exploration, we’ve traveled the country to interview over 40 individuals at leading consciousness-based research and educational centers, including The Monroe Institute (Faber, Virginia); The Institute of Noetic Sciences (Novato, California), Stanford University Medical Center (Stanford, California); the Rhine Center (Durham, North Carolina); and the International Association for Near Death Studies conference (Washington, D.C).
The film features interviews with individuals who have had extraordinary experiences (near death and out-of-body experiences, interactions with alternate realms, UFOs, and non-humans, medical healings, and ESP, among others) and scholars from diverse fields, ranging from psychiatry, theoretical physics, neuroscience, medicine, parapsychology, anthropology, geneticists, and bio-engineering, among others.
Having completed our interviews, we are now in the editing phase of the film project which is expected to be completed and released for public viewing by mid-2025. The film website is: consciousnessfilm.info. And if you’d like to learn more about our film project or consciousness in general, please subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@theconsciousnessconnection8448
It is hoped that this film furthers the potential significance and implications of what we can learn about extraordinary experiences, consciousness, and our self-identity as potential catalysts for personal transformation and healing. We need to take up the challenge to further the knowledge of our own potential and understanding of what we prize as our most unique human characteristic – the untapped possibilities of the mind.
As independent filmmakers dedicated to exploring consciousness, we operate without the backing of angel investors or corporate sponsorships, relying solely on the generosity of supporters like you to allocate our limited resources effectively. Thank you for considering a donation to our project – together, we can make a meaningful difference in bringing these important topics to the attention of the world.
Together, we can shift humanity towards a more realized vision of a better world by portraying how a new scientific paradigm will empower people and society to make positive change, whereby consciousness is integrated into an overarching new science of true reality – one that incorporates both current scientific principles and the subjective experience. Indeed, there is hope, meaning, and joy in this journey of discovery. We deeply appreciate your understanding and support as we continue on this journey of discovery.
Join us as we explore this profound enigma and look to the world’s leading experts, scientists, and experiencers, who are searching for this “missing link” in the new docu-film, The Consciousness Connection.
Film Status Update November, 2023
by admin | November 19, 2023 | Film Status Update | 0 Comments

Production Status Update November, 2023
This year was amazing and exciting for our project. We accomplished so much thanks to your support. In August 2023 we visited Washington to film the leading investigators of Near Death Experiences, Dr Bruce Grayson and Dr Janice Miner Holden, many other scientists, and then travelled to The Rhine Research center in NC, one of the few Parapsychological institutions in the US. In November we travelled to San Francisco and covered the ongoing consciousness work of Edgar Mitchell’s Institute of Noetic Science aka IONS. There we explored some of the ongoing empirical research into precognition then visited Stanford University where we met up with Dr Garry Nolan, a leading microbiologist scientist and UAP researcher! We are so close to the finish line of field production!